5 reasons to ❤️ your spine!

The reasons are numerous but let’s just talk about 5.

  1. It houses half of your Central Nervous System (CNS). Your CNS is made up of 2 parts: your brain and your spinal cord. Since your spine (the boney part) is the “container” that your spinal cord (the soft squishy part) lives in…it is pretty darn important that we take good care of it. If we damage it or wear it out prematurely, we could experience some serious problems. Chiropractic care ensures proper motion and alignment of your spine to keep it functioning properly for a long time.

  2. It’s your body’s communication superhighway. The amount of nerve impulses that travel along our nerves all day, every day is mind-blowing! With a few exceptions, all of our body’s functions are controlled and/or regulated by the nerve system. It’s estimated that a nerve impulse takes 1/1,000th of a second to happen, which means our nerve systems have a processing power capacity of about 1,000 pulses per second. That’s a lot of information traveling around our bodies! If we damage or interfere with the normal nervous system function, our bodies won’t work as they were intended and that means ill health and poor functioning.

  3. You only get one…just the one! One of my favorite Chiropractic posters has a glass jar with a set of dentures (aka false teeth) in it, and it simply states, “…but what do you do when your SPINE wears out?” Illustrating the point that at this stage, dentistry has figured out how to replace a set of teeth. However, replacing a spine isn’t currently possible and even if it were, I’d argue that keeping the original in good working order would be a better strategy. Chiropractic care keeps muscles balanced the spine properly aligned!

  4. It allows you to do all the stuff you do all day long! Everything from the mundane act of putting on your shoes to the exciting white water rafting trip you may have just been on. Without your spine to protect and secure your spinal cord we would turn into a lump on the ground. And there is no fun in that!

  5. Healthy Spine= Healthy you! Maintaining a healthy spine is one of the easiest things you can do to ensure you’re in great health. Maintaining good nutritional habits, routine exercise and regular chiropractic care are the best methods to ensure a wonderfully high functioning spine and ultimately amazing health!


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